Speaking up for you, every single day
The Guild works every day to make sure your voice is heard across UCB, taking your views where they matter whether its formally representing the student body on subject boards and Corporation, or working with Course Reps and society leaders to bring about changes at a course level with your teachers and lecturers.
We represent your views and opinions, and work hard to make sure that UCB is the best it possibly can be in the classroom, the lecture theatre and beyond. If theres anything you want to change, something that just isn't good enough, or even if you've got a great idea about what could make student life better - then come and speak to one of your Officers.
We work closely with the University and College staff, working together to improve the student experience here at UCB, but we couldn't do any of it without the student volunteers who give their time to make student life better. Our Representation and Advocacy team supports Union Reps on every single course to make change where it matters most.